Global Problem-Based Learning with the Collaboration of Thai and Japanese Universities Companies Explaining the 3 - year Experience of our Kaizen PBL Program Development

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Kyoko KATO
Paritud Bhandhubanyong


Abstract—This paper is about a global problem-based learning (gPBL), called KAIZEN gPBL, developed by Panyapiwat Institute of Technology (PIM) and Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), in which program participants identify, analyze and discuss the problem, and to propose Kaizen ideas (= solutions) for the production line of the industrial chains (for tractors) in Thai local (or Japan-Thai) factories. This paper first explains the brief history and the contents of the program, and then describes its three types of uniqueness and contributions to the Japanese and Thai engineering education.  The three types of uniqueness are: 1) the applicability of the program in which everyone (regardless of their age, gender, and work experience, etc.) can learn something new, 2) the excellent collaboration with universities. and companies in Japan and Thailand, and 3) providing the opportunity to see “real-world” problems.


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How to Cite
KATO, K. ., & Bhandhubanyong, P. . (2020). Global Problem-Based Learning with the Collaboration of Thai and Japanese Universities Companies Explaining the 3 - year Experience of our Kaizen PBL Program Development. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ISJET), 4(1), 12–20. retrieved from
Academic Article


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