A Framework of Blockchain Smart Contract for Sustainable Agri-Food Supply Chain

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Punnry Kang
Nakorn Indra-Payoong


Along with the advancement of a decentralized distributing system like Blockchain, the smart contract has become a crucial ally in redefining the future of our society. One such excellent application of Blockchain is in the Agri-Food Supply Chain (AFSC), where despite the rise of technological modernization, is still plagued with unfair trading practices, unsustainable conducts, and abuses of power. This paper aims to discover and conceptualize a blockchain smart contract platform to support a fair and sustainable agri-food supply chain. Firstly, the paper presents an insight into present-day AFSC and the lack of focus on fairness for food producers. Next, a novel workflow based on blockchain smart contract is presented, along with a focus on food producer, distributor, and end customer. Smart contracts are formed using smart contract functions and messaging capabilities that are used to automate most business processes using if-this-then-that logic. In essence, this platform has the potential to revolutionize the whole food supply chain by increasing efficiency, decreasing cost, strengthening collaboration, saving time, and much more.

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How to Cite
Kang, P., & Indra-Payoong, N. (2021). A Framework of Blockchain Smart Contract for Sustainable Agri-Food Supply Chain. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ISJET), 5(2), 1–14. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/isjet/article/view/242212
Research Article


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