Development of Grip Comfort of Perfume Bottle by Applying the Concepts of Product Design and Development and Hybrid Optimization Technique

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Suchada Rianmora
Pervez Alam Khan


This study mostly relied on online customer reviews to reveal a problem with gripping comfort in perfume bottles, which was limiting customer willingness to purchase. The absence of ergonomic design owing to inappropriate dimensions in large-volume perfume bottles was the primary reason for of problems with comfortable gripping. As voted by local users in the preference survey, a rectangular-shaped bottle was used as the foundation of this study. Taguchi’s experiment design was created according to the extraction of dimensions from a rectangular
bottle. Based on the experimental design, bottle samples were fabricated by using the rapid prototyping (RP) process – a 3D Printer. Kansei words were applied to elicit customer feelings on bottle samples for grip comfort. For evaluating the responses and determining the proper dimension factors that resulted in the most comfortable grip and ergonomically designed perfume bottle, Grey relational analysis was used in this study.

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How to Cite
Rianmora, S., & Khan, P. A. . (2022). Development of Grip Comfort of Perfume Bottle by Applying the Concepts of Product Design and Development and Hybrid Optimization Technique. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ISJET), 6(2), 24–39. retrieved from
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