Applying Augmented Reality Techniques to Use to Learn Organ System

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Saranyoo Butkhot
Weerapon Dokbua


The purposes of the research were to

1) applying augmented reality techniques to use to learn organ system

2) evaluate the quality of the application and

3) study the learning outcomes with the application. Researchers focus on developing applications that help to learn systemic organs for Grade 6 students based on actual content. It is reduced to the virtual technology. By working, it uses virtual techniques to learn organ system in the human body in 3D makes teaching interesting.

The research found that Based on user requirements analysis. 1) The appropriateness of the presentation media stimulates learning rather than reading. 2) There is a picture of interesting 3D model suitable for the content easy to understand 3) There are simple steps, easy to understand, can be used on their own. The results of the application development by user performance testing at the high level ( = 4.35, S.D. = 0.46) The overall quality of the application and content was high ( = 4.29, S.D. = 0.50).

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How to Cite
Butkhot, S., & Dokbua, W. (2018). Applying Augmented Reality Techniques to Use to Learn Organ System. Journal of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 1(2), 1–5. Retrieved from
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