Osteoporosis prevention for elderly using local Thai wisdom through community-based participation in Haisoke Sub district, Buddaisong District, Burirum Province

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Oranuch Wongwattanasathien
Thidarat Kwansawat
Kanokporn Thongsodsaeng


The research aimed to investigate the risky conditions and to treat for prevention of osteoporosis for the elders by using Thai local wisdom-based healthcare. Samples are elders who live in Haisok Sub-District, Buddaisong district, Buriram province. The research methodology was divided into two phases. Phase 1 has been done by questionnaire collected from 280 target population. In phase 2, experimental group of 45 samples were treated to prevent osteoporosis by using Thai local wisdom-based healthcare program focused on four major factors, including food, herb, exercises and Thai traditional massage.     The descriptive statistics and paired t-test were used for the study.

            The research findings of phase 1 showed that the most target population was female (71.43%) with the age over 65 years (58.57%) and underlying disease (61.79%). Most of the respondents had high blood pressure (20.81%) with average body mass index of 22.98%. When they were in early sixties, their teeth were loose (53.57%), and fell down accidentally in the last 6 months (28.21%). Regarding the risky conditions of Osteoporosis, the findings showed that most of the elders had the risky conditions of Osteoporosis was 60.71%, and they realized that they have got pain of bone by Osteoporosis (68.21%). The Osteoporosis prevention for the elders was to keep the house clean and tidy 4-6 days a week (50.71%).  The elders realized that Osteoporosis caused the pain of joints, legs or back (87.86%). Regarding the results of phase 2, the findings showed that most of the treatment elders were female (77.78%) with the age of 69 years and bone mineral density. According to the t-score, the t-score of the elders before participating the healthcare project was -2.56 + 0.95, and the t-score of the elders after participating the project was -2.66 + 1.01. The findings indicated that the risky conditions of osteoporosis of the elders before and after the healthcare project was not significantly different at the .05 level. However, the percentage of the elders with Osteoporosis (T-score ≤ -2.5) after the healthcare project (48.89%) was less than that of before the project (53.33%). The knowledge about osteoporosis of the elders after and before the healthcare project was not significantly different. Additionally, the elders were satisfied with the healthcare project. In conclusion, the study indicated that the project was very useful for the elders, and the project has been is strongly required by the elders.

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How to Cite
Wongwattanasathien, O., Kwansawat, T., & Thongsodsaeng, K. (2018). Osteoporosis prevention for elderly using local Thai wisdom through community-based participation in Haisoke Sub district, Buddaisong District, Burirum Province. Journal of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 1(2), 12–22. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jstrmu/article/view/245787
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