Designing a Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Station for Electric Tuk-Tuks in Thailand


  • Watchara Amasiri Thammasat School of Engineering
  • Wanchai Pijitrojana Thammasat School of Engineering


wireless electric vehicle charging station, thai transportation


Familiar from their presence at tourist locations throughout Thailand, tuk-tuks or sam lor (three-wheeled) are similar to rickshaws with small engines fitted in. In 2016, the Thai Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Thailand, in collaboration with domestic research centres and the private sector, held an exhibition of electric tuk-tuk prototypes to reduce pollution from carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions. A wireless electric vehicle charging station for electric tuk-tuks in Thailand was designed, with an efficiency enhancement system to reduce misalignment between vehicles and wireless charging stations. The system could archive up to 500 watts with 65.65 percent efficiency.


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How to Cite

Amasiri, W., & Pijitrojana, W. (2021). Designing a Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Station for Electric Tuk-Tuks in Thailand. SciTech Research Journal, 4(1), 33–47. retrieved from



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