Aeroelastic Multi-objective Optimisation of an Aircraft Wing Taking into Account Gust Alleviation


  • Pakin Champasak Khon Kaen University
  • Pachuab Buaphet Khon Kaen University
  • Sujin Bureerat Khon Kaen University


Flutter speed, Gust response, Optimisation


This paper presents a study on aeroelastic multi-objective optimization of an aircraft wing taking into account gust alleviation. The design problem is posed to minimize two objective functions including wing mass and reaction moments due to gust loadings. Design variables include the values of the composite ply thickness and orientations of wing skins, ribs and spars whereas design constraints are flutter, stress and bifurcation buckling. Two multi-objective metaheuristic algorithms are used to solve the optimization problem while the Goland wing is used as a model for design demonstration. In structural analysis, the finite element (FE) method is used along with the double lattice method for unsteady aerodynamics. The wing is subject to discrete gust loadings and steady aerodynamic loads. The results of the study reveal that passive gust alleviation can be achieved through the proposed multi-objective optimization problem. MSC Nastran, a program used for structural analysis in engineering or even the wing of an aircraft structure analysis. It is used as a tool for calculating objective functions consisted of minimum of the wing structure weight and a minimum of the maximum bending moment at wing root subjected to design constraints such as flutter, stress and bifurcation buckling. Optimization using the metaheuristic method was used to design Goland wing. Two algorithms, Hybridisation of real-code population-based incremental learning and differential evolution (RPBILDE) and Multiobjective metaheuristic with new concept of parameter adaptation (MM-IPDE), were compared their searching performance for solving this problem. The results are indicated by the Hypervolume value. From the analysis of structure influenced by gust response founds that H9M strongly affect to bending moment at root chord. Optimal results from optimization consisted of objective functions, design variables and constraints of RPBILDE are shown. The results will be designed in next stage, detail design.

Author Biographies

Pakin Champasak, Khon Kaen University

Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center

Pachuab Buaphet , Khon Kaen University

Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center

Sujin Bureerat, Khon Kaen University

Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center


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How to Cite

Champasak, P., Buaphet , P., & Bureerat, S. (2022). Aeroelastic Multi-objective Optimisation of an Aircraft Wing Taking into Account Gust Alleviation. SciTech Research Journal, 5(2), 59–74. retrieved from



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