Confidence Interval Estimation of Elderly Health Behaviors with the Nakagami distribution
Interval estimation, Nakagami distribution, lifetime data, health behaviors of the elderlyAbstract
The objective of this research aims to estimation of confidence intervals of health behaviors of the elderly with Nakagami distribution using the Maximum Likelihood (ML), the Method of Moments Estimator (ME) and the Bayesian Method, by comparing their coverage probability and average interval widths. The sample size are 10 25 50 100 500 and 1000, providing the confidence level of 95% and 99%. This research was studied by Monte Carlo simulations using replicated 10,000 times. When the shape parameter is equal to 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, and 30, and the scale parameter is equal to 1. We consider the case of the high coverage probability and the average width of the narrowest. The results showed that Comparison of the performance of parameter confidence estimates for the Nakagami distribution. It compares the probability of coverage and the mean width of the confidence interval. Of the three methods of estimation, it was found that most of the Bayesian methods The coverage probability is as close to 95% and 99% confidence levels as possible. The mean width of the narrowest range when the shape parameter is 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5, 10 and 30, the Bayesian method gives the mean width of the narrowest range when the shape parameter is 0.5. is the maximum and the method of the moment It gives the probability of coverage close to the confidence coefficient as the sample size increases.
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