The development of the English vocabulary application on Android operating system for upper – primary students in five southern border provinces

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Pratya Binmudnee
Sorat Abdulsata
Ibtizam Hama
Rokiyoh Maduereh
Suinee Takaeh


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop and find the efficiency of the English vocabulary application for the upper primary students in five southern border provinces on the Android operating system based on the 80/80 efficiency criterion; 2) compare students efficiency before and after using English vocabulary application, and 3) evaluate and follow up the usage of English vocabulary application by the stakeholders. 200 students of upper primary level were chosen by cluster random sampling as the sample group. The research instruments were an English vocabulary application, an achievement test, and an evaluation form of the stakeholders. The statistics for the data analysis were average and t-test. The results of the research were: 1) the efficiency of the English vocabulary application by finding E1 and E2 values was 80.42/83.50; 2) the t-test result indicated that students' achievement scores after using the English vocabulary application was statistically higher than that ofbefore using the English vocabulary application at .05 level of significance; and 3) the student efficiency index was 0.24. This represented that 24 percent of students' English vocabulary knowledge was increased through the English vocabulary application on the android operating system. Moreover, the students' satisfaction towards the English vocabulary application was 4.51 or 90.37 which was in the level of "very good".

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How to Cite
Binmudnee, P., Abdulsata, S. ., Hama, I. ., Maduereh, R. ., & Takaeh, S. . (2021). The development of the English vocabulary application on Android operating system for upper – primary students in five southern border provinces. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 16(3), 8–13. retrieved from
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