Aerodynamic Study and Analysis of Airfoils and Wings of Tailless Mini-UAV

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วันชัย เจียจันทร์
กนก ทองสว่าง
นุกูล สุขุประการ


This paper presented the study and analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils and wings of Tailless mini UAV by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Vortex Lattice Method (XFLR5 program). These methods were also employed to determine airfoils and wings that perform the best performance in terms of endurance and range at low subsonic speeds (Reynolds number 100,000-500,000), while providing longitudinal static stability. The Orbiter II was chosen as the benchmark model for comparing the performance. The study shown that the prototype tailless UAV provides significantly higher aerodynamic efficiency by up to 13.6% compared with the benchmark model. The prototype model performed for up to 4.5 hours for maximum endurance in addition. The prototype model was also statically stable in longitudinal axis.

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How to Cite
เจียจันทร์ ว., ทองสว่าง ก., and สุขุประการ น., “Aerodynamic Study and Analysis of Airfoils and Wings of Tailless Mini-UAV”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 45–56, Aug. 2018.
Research Articles


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