Wing Structural Design construction and Testing of Closed Range UAV

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สมชาย หาญกล้า


In the surveillance and reconnaissance flight for information mission, the important part that makes the aircraft flying in the air is the wing. So, this research aims to design and testing a wing of an unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) using a conceptual design to determine a suitable shape of airfoil and a standard material testing system (MTS) respectively. It is previous to simulate the wing strength by the finite element method (FEM). The materials selected are glass fiber (GF) fabric carbon fiber (CF) fabric foam and balsa wood. The fibers direction must be ensured in the local and global coordinates system. In additional, the materials selection is also done by comparing the results from FEM computation under the Tsai-Wu criteria. The wing is then constructed by a manufacturer. The wing is attached by the adopted support on the material testing system (MTS), the wiffle tree kid to deliver the load from hydraulic and the digital gauges to measure the wing deflection. The value of wing strength obtained by testing is more than three time the maximum take-off weight.

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How to Cite
หาญกล้า ส., “Wing Structural Design construction and Testing of Closed Range UAV”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 9–16, Aug. 2018.
Research Articles


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