Application of Anomaly Detection Technology in Network Intrusion Detection System

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ณัฐกานต์ เอี่ยมอ่อน
ทศพล บุญเกิน
นที ปั้นทอง


Given the rise of recent events related to cyber security, both in Thailand and other countries around the globe, such a threat is imminent, with undesired impacts on organizational and personal resources. The intensity of this problem is likely to increase, especially during the period of promoting Thai digital economy. The government has taken this seriously, as shown by the drafting of national research strategy 2013-2017 that includes the aforementioned issue. This is to set a guideline for research and innovation development to resolve cyber-security problems. One of the major subjects being investigated widely is a network intrusion detection system or NIDS. In a nutshell, it analyzes network-traffic information to identify possible acts of attack. However, most of the systems developed thus far have focused on the known attack patterns, whist lacking the capability to disclose new or unknown threats. In response, anomaly detection is adopted to provide the flexibility to NIDS. This article is set to provide the review of on network intrusion, NIDS and different applications of anomaly detection to the problem. In addition, it presents the perspective of future research, and its remedy in accordance with the governmental policy.

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How to Cite
เอี่ยมอ่อน ณ., บุญเกิน ท., & ปั้นทอง น. (2018). Application of Anomaly Detection Technology in Network Intrusion Detection System. NKRAFA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 12, 64–81. Retrieved from
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