Modeling and Simulation of Sky Surfer Small UAV Flight Dynamic Characteristics

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เจนวิทย์ คำพูล


Dynamic modeling, which capable of simulating the aircraft dynamic behavior and performance at any time, is the heart of studying and analysis of UAV (which have been designed since conceptual phase before being fabricated) flight dynamic characteristics after the flight condition is designated. However, to enhance performance of the interested UAV which have been designed and fabricated by others, hence the reverse engineering process is required in order to obtain its parameters like geometric properties e.g. wing, fuselage, horizontal tail, vertical tail, flight conditions, mass, moment and product of inertia, aerodynamic property, engine property etc. . Once all these parameters are obtained, the study and analysis of its flight dynamic characteristics are possible. This paper addressses the step in mathematical modeling and simulation of Sky Surfer small UAV flight dynamic characteristics by using reverse engineering process to study stability and control and the UAV response to the primary control surface input which will be utilized in automatic flight control system design phase later on.

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How to Cite
คำพูล เ., “Modeling and Simulation of Sky Surfer Small UAV Flight Dynamic Characteristics”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 86–97, Dec. 2018.
Research Articles


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