Decision Making on Solid Waste Management in the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force
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This research is to study the decision making of the waste management model in the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force. The objectives of the study are to consider factors and select a suitable model for waste management in the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force. The first procedure of this research was accumulating factors and theories from literature reviews. Then, the Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) was calculated. The index was used to select the factors which had effects on the waste management of the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to prioritize the factors and select the most suitable waste management model. Three models included the operation of the Royal Thai Air Force, the outsourcing of private sectors and the outsourcing of government organizations. Data were collected via questionnaires from seven experts who work in the Air Force solid waste management. The results revealed that the waste management in compliance with the Royal Thai Air Force environmental strategy, the security for Royal Thai Air Force personnel, and the departments responsible for the waste management are the top three factors which affect the waste management in the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force. Additionally, the most suitable model for the waste management in the Don Mueang Royal Thai Air Force is the model operated by the Royal Thai Air Force.
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