A Grouping of Processors with Extra-GCS Combination for Parallel ATAPE on Hierarchical Hypercube Systems

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Nuntipat Phisutthangkoon
Chalermkwan Siripanth


Due to higher scalability and lower cost compared with normal Hypercube system (HCs), Hierarchical Hypercube system (HHCs) is one of the popular models for high performance computing machines. However, edges in HHCs are less than those in HCs and communications between processors in HHCs are more complex, which can cause possible data collisions in parallel computing. Thus, if these issues can be solved, the performance of HHCs will be enhanced and HHCs can be implemented for a multiprocessor system on a chip of embedded systems which supports parallel computing such as All-to-All Personalized Exchange (ATAPE). According to previous research, groupings of cross dual-cube (GCD) and groupings of cross sub-cube (GCS) were proposed to effectively group k  2m+1 processors, where m  2. Nevertheless, in the case of a network with many processors being used or in critical fragments, some processors in the network are not deployed and can be regrouped to do tasks which require k  2m+1 processors. To solve critical fragments of systems with 2m+1  k  N/2M processors, where M = 2m-1, this paper proposes an extra-GCS combination. As for the validation, the proposed grouping method was verified using ATAPE communication between k sources and k destinations.

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How to Cite
N. Phisutthangkoon and C. Siripanth, “A Grouping of Processors with Extra-GCS Combination for Parallel ATAPE on Hierarchical Hypercube Systems”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 26–39, Dec. 2022.
Research Articles


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