Development and Evaluation of Process Architecture for Designing Thai Wisdom Alphabet Set and Identity in 4 Regions with Artificial Intelligence Technology
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This research aims to develop and evaluate process architecture for designing Thai wisdom alphabets and Thai identity in four regions. There are four stages of research: 1) data collection, 2) process architecture design, 3) process architecture evaluation and 4) 4 regional prototype sets design. The results showed that 1) the process architecture is mostly appropriate ( = 5.00) 2) the satisfaction of process architecture from the experts is at the highest level ( = 4.85) and 3) The artificial intelligence technology with the processing evaluation value at 0.7 can generate the accuracy of visual inspection of the wisdom and artistic identity of each of the 4 four regions in Thailand. In addition, it can be used to develop a series of applied graphical letters with artificial intelligence technology and it can accurately classify the analyzed wisdom and artistic pictures.
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