The Development of Computer Assisted Instruction Using Brain-Based Learning Approach on Topic: The Spelling Words for Prathom Suksa 3 Students
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The purposes of this research were (1) to develop the computer assisted instruction (CAI) using the Brain-Based Learning (BBL) approach on topic: The Spelling Words for Prathom Suksa 3 students (2) compare pretest-posttest students learning achievement with the developed CAI and (3) to study the satisfaction towards the developed CAI. The sample group was conducted under the purposive sampling technique and consisted of 19 in first section Prathom Suksa 3 students from Anuban Sankkom School, Sankkom district, Udon Thani province, who were studying in second semester of the academic year 2015. The research tools included: (1) the developed CAI (2) 20 items of learning achievement test (3) 20 items from 4 subchapters test and (4) the satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used for data analyses were mean, standard deviation, percentage, efficiency (E1/E2) and t-test dependent samples.
The results showed that: (1) the developed CAI had efficiency (E1/E2) at 85.00/86.30 (2) The learning achievement had posttest score higher than pretest score at significant level .05 and (3) the satisfaction of sample groups also showed at moderately level (= 2.15, S.D. = 0.82)
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