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ชนินทร์ นาทะพันธุ์
กิตติมา เมฆาบัญชากิจ


Happiness is a feeling from the inherent part of each individual.  In order to make known regarding what that person is happy about, the preliminary stage of practice requires the survey by asking each person, thus resulting in the measurement of happiness. As for Thailand in the past, happiness was measured many times. During the past period, measuring domestic happiness both in the past and present times has encountered the problems concerning happiness measurement by means of the original factors for the survey throughout.  Some time the events might have been added.  Or, current situation may have impact on making happiness increase or decrease. Thus, this results in the fact that the survey at each time will detect the factors affecting happiness regarding the traditional matter despite the present change of the domestic context. Technology is developing rapidly and plays a greater role in daily life.  This research aims to collect and analyze the happiness data, compare the factors of domestic happiness and factors of universal happiness.

Therefore, this research takes into account technological factors to measure happiness through the preparation of questionnaire for seeking the opinions from experts in 4 area groups including science and technology, social sciences and education, psychology and community development as well as economics and market research totaling 41 persons. Tool in the research, to collect data by Google Docs. Use questionnaires about Attitudes to Information Technology factors that are affecting risk factors, happy. The survey forms list (Checklist) and a measure and estimate of the (Rating Scale) 5 level in the form of lock (Likert scale) by the weight points instead of the idea of the respondents.

            The research result has found that these factors happiness in Thailand covering all elements of happy international but there are some factors that are not available in the temple of the happy international, which may be factors that may be established to ensure that the culture or events in the country.  The experts are of the view that information technology that affects happiness most is the availability of information technology service that affects economy (80.00 percent of the number of experts), followed by the ability to get access to the services of people (79.02 percent of the number of experts) as well as the availability of information technology service that affects good governance (74.63 percent of the number of experts). Information technology affects actually happiness as a whole at moderate level (median 3.29).  This shows that currently information technology plays a role in everyday life and should be regarded as one factor that can contribute to measuring the happiness of the population.

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