Directivity Enhancement of Microstrip Parallel Coupled Lines Techniques

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Somchat Sonasang
นิวัตร์ อังควิศิษฐพันธ์


This article presents a review of technologies to enhance or compensate for directivity of the microstrip parallel coupled lines. By describing the basic features of the microstrip parallel coupled lines. There are 2 main techniques, which are the distributed compensation and the lumped compensation. In addition, this paper also presents the advantages and disadvantages of each compensation coupled line technique.

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How to Cite
Sonasang, S., & อังควิศิษฐพันธ์ น. (2021). Directivity Enhancement of Microstrip Parallel Coupled Lines Techniques . Journal of Engineering Technology Access (JETA) (Online), 1(1), 12–31. retrieved from
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