Desirable Characteristics and Learning Outcomes of Students and Graduates Bachelor's degree programs Bachelor of Education Program Faculty of Science, Nakhon Phanom University

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patchalai anuchaivong
Sumitchai Kanhakhun
Thanaporn Wattananualsakul
munlika Kompittaya
Wiratchada Kalaoka
Pornpirun Manprasert
Wisarut Srivarom


Conducting this research, the research team surveyed the satisfaction, desired characteristics, and learning outcome standards of students and graduates. Bachelor's degree program Bachelor of Education Program Faculty of Science Nakhon Phanom University to survey the satisfaction of administrators of educational institutions where students or graduates receive training experiences, mentor teachers, and supervisory teachers. Teacher responsible for the curriculum course instructors and students, a total of 300 people, used a questionnaire as a tool to survey the standard assessment of bachelor's degree qualifications. Bachelor of Education Program Faculty of Science Nakhon Phanom University (Four year course) 2019, this Edition.

           These are the desired graduate characteristics and learning outcome standards. The desired graduate characteristics are divided into 6 elements: having shared values, being a good person, having morals and ethics, and adhering to the teaching profession. Be a learner and an intelligent person.  A co-creator of innovation Is a person with a high ability to manage learning. And be a strong citizen and learn outcome standards, divided into 6 areas: morality, ethics, knowledge, and intellectual skills. In terms of interpersonal skills and responsibility, Numerical analysis skills, Communication and use of technology, and learning management methodology, the tools used for data analysis include percentages, means, and standard deviations.

           From the results of the analysis, it was found that Level of satisfaction with desired graduate characteristics The average was 4.45 in the good level and the level of satisfaction with the learning outcome standards. Has an average of 4.62 at the very good level, respectively

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How to Cite
anuchaivong, patchalai, Kanhakhun, S., Wattananualsakul, T., Kompittaya, munlika, Kalaoka, W., Manprasert, P., & Srivarom, W. (2024). Desirable Characteristics and Learning Outcomes of Students and Graduates Bachelor’s degree programs Bachelor of Education Program Faculty of Science, Nakhon Phanom University. Journal of Engineering Technology Access (JETA) (Online), 4(2), 1–12. retrieved from
Research Articles


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