Main and Interaction Effects of Learning Provision by SSCSE Model and Learning Style for Mathematics Achievement Applications on “Statistics” of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students

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Mathasit Tanyarattanasrisakul


The objective of this research were to 1) study main and interaction effects
of learning provision by SSCSE model and learning style for mathematics
achievement application on statistics of mathayomsuksa 6 student 2 ) compare of
mathematics achievement application on statistics of mathayomsuksa 6 student
after learned by SSCSE model and conventional method and 3 ) compare of
mathematics achievement application on statistics after learned by SSCSE with
7 0 % criteria. The research samples were 7 1 students in mathayomsuksa 6 in
second semesters academic year 2 0 1 4 at school of Rachineeburana, Nakhon
Pathom province. The research design was experimental design with pretestposttest,
experimental and control group design. The research instruments were
learning plan, achievement test and David Kolb learning style test. The data
analyses applied were percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and
two way analysis of variance.
The result of this research indicates: 1 ) the main effect discovered in the relationship between SSCSE model and mathematics achievement application on statistics of mathayomsuksa 6 student. However, not the main effect discovered in the relationship learning style and no interaction effect between SSCSE model and learning style for mathematics achievement application on statistics of mathayomsuksa 6 students was significantly at .0 5 levels 2 ) mathematics achievement application on statistics after learned by SSCSE model was higher than conventional method at .05 statistical significantly levels and 3) mathematics achievement application on statistics after learned by SSCSE was higher than 70% criteria at .05 statistical significantly levels.

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How to Cite
Tanyarattanasrisakul, M. (2018). Main and Interaction Effects of Learning Provision by SSCSE Model and Learning Style for Mathematics Achievement Applications on “Statistics” of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students. Mathematical Journal by The Mathematical Association of Thailand Under The Patronage of His Majesty The King, 62(692), 51–67. Retrieved from
Research Article


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