Site selection of industrial estates for Thailand border’s special economic zones using data envelopment analysis

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นิรุทธิ์ วัฒนะแสง
กสิณ รังสิกรรพุม


 This article presents the selection problem for suitable industrial estate location in Thailand by considering Thailand’s boarder provinces along the economic corridors connected to 4 countries: Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Malaysia. In particular, there are 10 provinces next to Laos, 10 provinces next to Burma, 6 provinces next to Cambodia, and 4 provinces next to Malaysia. By applying one of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making Tools, we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to analyze candidate provincial efficiency based on selected input-and output criteria, which are labor cost, distance, area, expected building value, labor amount, disaster prone, gross provincial product, and boarder trade value. We find that high-efficiency provinces connected to Laos are Nongkai and Phitsanulok, provinces closed to Cambodia are Sa-Kaew and Chanthaburi, provinces nearby Myanmar are Tak and Ratchaburi, and provinces connected to Malaysia are Songkhla and Satun, respectively. The result of this study can be further used for strategic planning in Industrial estate for the governmental units and offices.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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