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วิวัฒน์ อ่อนนาคคล้ำ
กิตติศักดิ์ คู่วรัญญู


Clarification is the turbidity removal process of water treatment plant. The objective of this paper was to study the factors affecting on energy consumption in order to control energy saving strategy. These factors were raw water turbidity in the range of 26–40 NTU and production rate in the range of 3.76–5.20 m3/sec. Clarifiers were sludge blanket and sludge recirculation clarifier. Experimental results found that the raw water turbidity was not significantly affect to energy consumption, while the production rate was significantly affect to energy consumption. Sludge blanket clarifier provided lower energy consumption than sludge recirculation clarifier about 31–37%. Subsequently, the operating pattern in  production rate can be arranged to decreased energy consumption. The results showed that it can be reduced about 5.24 % of energy saving of clarification process about 688,207 Baht per year.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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