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ฐิติพร พันธุ์ท่าช้าง
ดิลกรัตน์ กวาวทอง
พันธกานต์ รู้งาน
สุภชัย นวลวงค์อิน


       Soil erosion problems and shallow slope instability in the north Thailand have been studied. The loss of soil by erosion in highland areas results in reduced nutrients, organic matter and crop production potential. This paper investigates the use of vetiver grass in erosion and shallow soil movement control. The natural vetiver ecotype: Sri-Lanka (Vetiveria zizanioides) was used in this study. Vetiver root tensile strength and field direct shear tests were conducted at 2, 4 and 6 months of the vetiver growing period. The results showed that tensile strength of vetiver roots at 2, 4 and 6 months old were 59.74-199.12 kPa (102.06 kPa average), and 104.74-241.19 kPa (154.86 kPa average) respectively. Shear strengths of vetiver roots are in proportion to the growing period but in indirect proportion to root diameter as well as elastic modulus properties. The laboratory direct shear tests of 6.30 cm (Dia.) were conducted to measure the shear strength of vetiver roots with soil at 2, 4 and 6 moths. Testing results shown that shear stress are in proportion to the growing period.

Keywords:  Vetiver Root, Slope Stability, Tensile Strength, Direct Shear Test, Agriculture

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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