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วิภาดา เดชะปัญญา
ก้องเกียรติ ทวีวุฒิ
ปฐมาวดี มังกรแก้ว
ธมลวรรณ เลขะวิพัฒน์


The objective of this research was to study characteristics of wastewater from para rubber cup lump and factors affecting Fenton process for treatment of para rubber wastewater. The treatment efficiency was also included. From the study, it was found that the color of wastewater from para rubber cup lump is black with pungent odor similar to sewage. From wastewater analysis, the value of pH, COD, Suspended Solids (SS), and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were approximately 5.52±0.05, 52,179±100.49 mg/L, 916.67±125.83 mg/L, and 25,350±636.40 mg/L, respectively. Important factors affecting Fenton process on treatment of para rubber wastewater were studied including pH (2, 3, and 4), contact time (90, 120, and 150 min), and ratio of H2O2:Fe2SO4•7H2O (5:1, 10:1, and 15:1 by mass). From the results, it was found that the highest COD removal efficiency was approximately 83.47±6.38 at pH 3, ratio of H2O2:Fe2SO4•7H2O at 5:1, and contact time of 90 min. For treatment of suspended solids, the best removal efficiency (51.30±8.26%) was found to be at pH 2, ratio of H2O2:Fe2SO4•7H2O at 15:1, and contact time of 90 min. For treatment of total dissolved solids, the TDS values increased. However, these values do not exceed the water quality standards (lower than 3,000 mg/L) issued by the industries and industrial estate. Except for the value of TDS at pH 2, ratio of H2O2:Fe2SO4•7H2O at 15:1, and contact time of 90 min, which was slightly higher than the standard.


para rubber wastewater; rubber cup lump; Fenton processes; hydrogen peroxide; ferrous sulfate

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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