Preliminary safety assessment for butane storage and their possible effect on neighborhoods

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Prapamon Seeprasert
อัญชลี คัตรมี
กมลวรรณ กุลวัตร


The incident of chemical spills from a factory in Chiang Rai affected the people in the surrounding community severely coupled with the growing trend of industrial investment in Chiang Rai, especially in the special economic zone. Therefore, the goal was to prepare the special economic zone in dealing with the severe disaster that will occur from investment in the industrial sector. The objectives were as follows: To analyze possible risks and dangers that will cause serious accidents from factory and predict the severity of accidents that may occur from operations and storage butane. The instrument used for data collection of this study is divided into safety inspections, geographic information systems in Chiang Rai Province. Herein will be used as a monthly climate data between 2008 - 2018 (Last 10 years) together with ALOHA (Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres) version 5.4.7. the result of butane concentration which was found that it was not exceed than Threshold Limit Value – Time-Weight Average (TLV-TWA). This study simulated the situation of the leakage, distribution, and explosion of dangerous chemicals, herein butane that stored in a horizontal cylinder with diameter 2.15 meters, and 7.6 meters, volume of storage about 15 tons per month and found that the severity of the impact on the surrounding people in the area of toxicity that affected the health at the severe level that is irritation and may cause severe effects or death within 60 minutes within a radius of 830 meters from the leak site. Flammable Vapor Cloud found a radius of butane distributed in flammability. The distance must be monitored for sparkle and must be treated as a spark-free zone by evaluating the butane concentration at a radius of 1.2 kilometers, it can cause of fire.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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