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สุชาวดี จีนสุทธิ์
กองพัน อารีรักษ์
กองพล อารีรักษ์
อภิชาต บุญทาวัน


This paper presents the mathematical model of heat control systems for small fuel ethanol production plants. The system consists of heating coils to heat the fermented water in the distillation process until achieving an ethanol. This prototype was developed and applied in the production of ethanol. In this paper the mathematical model of heat control systems using AC-DC-AC power conversion circuit with a PI control supplied by one-phase power system is presented. The proposed model is derived by using a generalized state-space averaging approach. The model is validated by the simulation via the SimPowerSystemTM of MATLAB program.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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