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เศรษฐภูมิ เถาชารี
จิรวัฒน์ ตั้งจิตโสมนัส
จิรวดี อินทกาญจน์
อรรถพล ป้อมสถิตย์
นฤมล วิถีธรรมศักดิ์
นพวรรณ์ พรศิริ


In this paper, we measure the logistics cost of rice supply chain in Nonthaburi province by using Activity Based Costing (ABC) method. Then, we analyze the logistics activities by using the Process Activity Mapping (PAM) to classify the sub-activities into 5 categories: 1) Operation, 2) Transportation, 3) Storage, 4) Delay, and 5) Inspection. After that, we use Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to identify activities into 3 categories: 1) Value Added (VA), 2) Necessary but Non Value Added (NNVA) and 3) Non Value Added (NVA). Finally, we propose the guideline for the logistics cost management by using ECRS to consist of Eliminate, Combine, Re-arrange and Simplify. In rice supply chain focus on logistics cost management in accordance with above principles. They will be able to reduce logistics costs at least 6% and enhance the overall efficiency of rice supply chain in Nonthaburi Province.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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