Bootstrapping ICT awareness and enthusiasm in SMEs

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Pissanu Manaspiti


This research presents a guideline to probing  consciousness and eagerness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in raising their level of use and inclination of information and communication Technology, ICT) by surveying awareness and attentiveness of ICT among selected Small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Proficiency arising form organization productivity and efficiency has played an important role for the prosperity. This research employs the concept of "Bootstrapping" as a tool to evaluate the current ICT usage level as well as to include more relevance into perspective. The process concerns survey planning, gathering the data, performing statistical analysis and interpretation which is carried out by means of mapping quality or what is perceptually required to actually achieve the operational goals to the traditional production planning and control principles. The analysis reveals that five out of the 26 scrutinized ICT aspects are statistically identified by the respondents to have been adopted on regular basis. The disagreement between existing and desirable level of implementation levels of the rest implies that the importance of the ICT is, in general, perceptive. A later study showing the practically the same result confirms the same pattern of awareness in ICT. Additional statistical techniques may be used to draw conclusions on certain aspects, for instance, aspects by number of respondents that agreed upon.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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