The application of quality function deployment for the development of beef products

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ภาณุวัฒน์ วงค์แสงน้อย


This research aims to find a suitable way to develop fattening beef products to meet the needs of customers by applying a Quality Function Technique. The voice of 400 customers in Thailand are collected. There are 2 major parts which are Part 1 is to collect the customers' claims by interviewing and then grouping the customer demand factors with the link group map to bring out the questionnaire. Then the weight rating, the importance of each factor of the product and the reference product are obtained. While Part 2 is to build a quality house for finding technical requirements, relationship between technical requirements and the relationship between customer demand factors and technical requirements by scoring the relationship score and ranking. It is shown that the product can be developed according to the technical requirements. Results are also analyzed by using sensory evaluation. It was found that the average score of fattening beef products on taste, color, odor and overall acceptance were 8.81, 8.62, 8.37 and 8.32 respectively from the full score of 10.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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