Numerical simulation of horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine using stress analysis and dynamics simulation

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Werayoot - Lahamornchaiyakul


This research presents the design and analysis of the horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine using finite element analysis technique from the Autodesk Inventor Professional software version 2014. The research modeling is 100 mm diameter for driving of cutting blade. The objective of this study is to design and analyze the rotational points of the horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine with emphasis on finding optimum parameters for the design of the horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine structure. The system was design, analyzed, and calculated for the suitable geometries of the main body structure, shaft and blade cut model. This research applies a linear finite element method to simulate and analyze a cutting rotation process of sweet potato as the case study. Thereafter the finite element analysis technique was used in this study by using stress analysis and dynamics simulation. The appropriated mesh of each model section was generated for modeling analysis computation. Therefore, this study can be used to study the horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine. Nevertheless, the improvement of higher performance would be needed for development of better horizontal axis small sweet potato slicing machine system.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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