Design and development of krajood decorations products using kansei engineering technique and Kano’s model

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surasit rawangwong


This research aimed to redesign and develop the Krajood decorations products type of Krajood straw hat. Kansei Engineering (KE) and Kano's model were applied for product development to accelerate the tourism growth in the Songkhla Lake basin. KE was initially used in the design of the first questionnaire to explore and select descriptions/words of the customers’ emotions or Kansei words. Then, the Kano model was utilized in the design of the second questionnaire to explore the satisfaction data on the products’ features; the features with satisfactory results were incorporated in the product design. After that, KE was used again to explore the customers’ emotions, feelings, and needs towards features of the products from the provided illustrations. The results of the analysis were incorporated into the design of the products. The questionnaires used in the survey are in Likert scale format. The data were also analyzed using the quantitative measure of regression, showing the relationship between descriptions/words of the customers’ feelings and the product features. Krajood products which were redesigned through the incorporation of the KE and Kano model were analyzed and the results showed that the Krajood straw hat products corresponded better to the consumers’ needs in forms, tones of colors, size, and product features.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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