Structural equation modeling for road crash analysis: Phuket case study

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อาริฟ ศิริวัฒน์
ปรเมศวร์ เหลือเทพ
สิทธา เจนศิริศักด์


Managing road accidents by designed effective countermeasures needs to know factors influencing occurrence and severity of crashes. This article applies the Structural Equation Model (SEM) to identify factors affecting severity of crashes by using crash data in Phuket province, as a study area. The results show that road factors (no safety device, slope, and highway) and environmental factors (wet road surface and unclear weather) significantly affect the crash severity. Moreover, in terms of analysis method, this paper presents the application of the SEM for identifying the factors influencing the occurrence and severity of road crashes.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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