Development of a smart farm control application of an evaporative cooling greenhouse system for spilt gill mushroom loaves

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กฤษฎา พวงสุวรรณ
สุภาวดี มากอ้น


This research is the development of a smart farm control and management application of an evaporative cooling greenhouse system for Spilt Gill mushroom loaves via the Internet of Things (IoTs) instead of the former one that was operated by human. This greenhouse consists of the temperature and relative humidity measurement set, humidifier, air cooler, ventilator and water tank. It was controlled in a distance by using the 2-mode developed application; manual and automatic mode. 45 mushroom loaves were used in the experiment with the suitable control of temperature and humidity, and watering system in order to analyze the amount of water used and to measure the growth of mushroom within 6 days. In addition, the economic data of the smart farm was also considered. The result found that the developed application was able to control the temperature and relative humidity in an evaporative cooling greenhouse system which was suitable for growing the mushroom at the temperature of 28.26±0.76 °C and 89.95±2.07 %RH, respectively. There were significant effects on the size and weight of the mushroom about 4.5 cm and 5.5 kg per time, which was higher than the previous cultivation of about 2 kg per time. Likewise, using 6 liters of water was sufficient for growing mushrooms. In addition, the result of an economic analysis of a prototype application for smart farm controlling of Spilt Gill mushroom loaves in an evaporative cooling greenhouse showed that the amount of mushroom growing per year was 280.5 kg., electricity used was 3,034 baht per year, profit gained was 33,800 baht per year, and the payback period was approximately 9 months and 24 days which was suitable for the investment.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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