Water Quality Improvement for Ornamental Fish Tank using IoT Technology

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jagraphon obma
Ponlawat Promsangming
Niwat Angkawisittpan
อดิศร นวลอ่อน
Somchat Sonasang


This research presents the improvement of water quality for ornamental fish tank using IoT technology (Internet of Things Technology). The system improves the acidity and the alkalinity (pH), and the temperature of water in the ornamental fish tank using the ESP8266 as a temperature and pH controller. The measured data were sent, received, and stored via a web application. C++, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL were used to develop in this research. The aquarium size was 18”x36”x18”. The research was divided into 4 cases: Case 1) the pH values of the pH sensor were compared with those of the EUTECH PC700 pH meter. Case 2) the water temperatures from the temperature sensor were compared with those from the thermometer. Case 3) the system was tested for efficiency of pH control and monitoring. Case 4) the temperature variations were finally tested for the system. From the experimental results, the pH sensor of the system had the measurement accuracy of 99.03% while the temperature sensor of the system had the measurement accuracy of 99.73%. The system could control and monitor the pH values and temperatures with on-off control. This system can be applied for a smart farm prototype using IoT technology.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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