Effectiveness of Zigzag Markings Installation ahead of Zebra Crossing

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Paramet Luathep
Watchara Kaokhunakorn
Chontira Petcharak
Suthida Lergpiboon


Pedestrians are more likely to have high risks of vehicle crashes and deaths at crosswalks. One way to reduce the severity of vehicle-pedestrian crashes is to warn drivers to slow down before reaching a crosswalk. Thus, this study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of zigzag line markings installed ahead of the zebra crossing. According to data collection process, the crosswalk on a major route at the Prince of Songkla University was chosen. The results revealed that the average speeds and the 85th percentile speeds of passenger cars decreased significantly after seven days of the installation. Afterwards, the speeds marginally closed to the speeds before the installation. As a result, the estimated fatality probability of pedestrians indicated that the zigzag line markings could reduce the probability by 1-6 %. In addition, the markings also increased the drivers’ perception and caution before the crosswalk. It can be concluded that zigzag markings could reduce the fatality probability of pedestrians.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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