Production scheduling for parallel machines using simulation techniques: case study of plastic packaging factory

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Jiratsaya Panasri
Nara Samattapapong


The purpose of this study is to use simulation techniques to examine the production scheduling process for parallel machines. This examination focuses on improving the work sequence in the machine and making the most cost-effective use of raw materials, as well as delivering goods on time to customers and reducing total uptime (Makespan). After examining and collecting data on the planning and sequencing operations of the plastic packaging factory, it was discovered that there was a problem in determining how to assign work to the machines due to a lack of systematic analysis of production scheduling. In addition, the sequence is based on the planner's experience in the production planning department, so scheduling systems and tools can't tell if the current sequence is the best one. The researchers then used simulation techniques to create all possible alternatives and identify the best solution for the sequencing process on the machine. The simulation results showed that sequencing using simulation techniques can create a total of 40 possible alternatives. In addition, 96,018.01 seconds is the most ideal total uptime, compared to the 208,850 seconds that the current production sequence worked for. This reduces the total uptime to 112,831.99 seconds by 54%.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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