Potential Study of Logistics Goods and Services in the East-West Economic Corridor

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Pakpoom Jaichomphu
Siwasit Pitjamit
Parida Jiwpanya


The purpose of this research is to study the current condition and problems of logistics in goods and services, as well as to create an academic recommendation on highway No. 12 as qualitative research with 4 steps as follows: 1) select government agencies and the private sector, those involved in the Mae Sot Special Economic Zone, Tak Province, and provincial groups located along the Economic Corridor 2) in-depth interviews with individuals using a semi-structured interview form for a total of 33 agencies 3) analyze content based data using SWOT analysis, including presenting practical technical recommendations for product and service system development; and 4) Collect data for analysis of the total value of imported and exported goods that pass through Mae Sot customs and Mukdahan customs. A study of data on analysis of the total value of imported and exported goods found that goods that passed the Mae Sot customs in 2021 compared to 2020 increased by 23.26% from the same period, representing a value of 17,953.556 million baht. And the total value of imported and exported goods through the Mukdahan customs house in 2021 compared to 2020 increase 40.58% from the same period, or a value of 103,457.475 million baht. Therefore, the trend of aggregate value of imported and exported goods at the two customs houses along the East-West Economic Corridor is likely to expand despite the COVID-19 epidemic situation and the unrest in Myanmar, but the trend of total merchandise value remains higher. From the SWOT analysis of goods and services on Highway No. 12 located in the Economic Corridor area, it was found that the government sector did not clearly focus on the special economic zones of the area. It does not give management authority or has a clear management mechanism. There are many laws and regulations of the agencies involved in the transportation of goods across borders. Thus, making contact and coordination in many departments. Moreover, the tax rate and the fees are not yet clear. If pushing for the main responsible agency to have one-stop service, it will help to make the transportation of goods and services more convenient and faster. Including providing more benefits from the BOI It can help investors make decisions and the development of rail and air transport systems in the area to bring more investors and tourists to the area, as well as to improve the service sector in the area, it will result in a better economic growth rate in the future.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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