Applying Virtual Environment for Reducing the Problems of Construction Work Change Order

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Noppadon Jokkaw
Tanit Tongthong
Somjintana Kanangkaew


This research proposes applying a Virtual Environment focused on change order in the construction project.
The possibility of Virtual Environment technology to reduce the problems of a change order between owner, designer and contractor in the construction project was studied. This research assumes that users' feeling measured by using a Virtual Environment is not different from real situations. The assumption was tested by the user’s feelings using the questionnaire that compares the feeling of a Virtual Environment and a real situation. The two case studies in the real construction project were used for the experiment. The 20 samples were randomly selected from undergraduate students in the Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University. The Wilcoxon-signed rank test was applied to analyze the data from the questionnaires. The results show that the feeling of the users who applied the Virtual Environment and the real situations in the construction project for the two case studies are not significant difference. Therefore, it can be concluded that Virtual Environment is possibly applied to reduce the problems of change order in the construction project.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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