Development of Accumulated Surface Fuel Determination Process Using Canopy Image Process Technology in Deciduous Dipterocarp Forests

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Phuphas Paphanaphapum
Amnad Tongtib
Thosatham Pinyaphong


This research article aims to the data in the development of the accumulated fuel content in the deciduous dipterocarp forest at Lam Nam Nan National Park, Uttaradit province. There is an area of 100 Rai of deciduous dipterocarp forest, with a total of 5 data collection points. That is based on the criteria for the collection point at an altitude of 400 - 600 meters above sea level, with a slope of 8 - 10 degrees at an angle to the horizontal level. The image acquisition takes a picture and collecting time is always taking every week. Then, researcher will develop a system to retrieve data and use the canopy photo for analysis to adjust the white/black tones. The image data frame used to define the canopy cover behavior as a percentage area. Approximately 85 - 95 percentages. The results of the analysis revealed that the time when the canopy did not defoliate, it was about 85 - 95 percentages. When converted to the amount of fuel accumulated on the surface below the canopy was approximately 0.04 - 0.11 kilograms per square meter. Which is the beginning of the forest fire season in Thailand. The percentage of black pigment grain are is in the range of 20 - 30 percentages. Which is equivalent to the amount of fuel accumulated on the area of approximately 0.33 - 0.48 kilograms per square meter. The data was used to generate trends in fuel accumulation on the soil surface of the deciduous dipterocarp forest to extend the results to forecast the fuel accumulate in deciduous dipterocarp forests. The amount of fuel accumulated on the surface of the soil can be predicted from the canopy photograph under the aforementioned conditions. There is a tolerance of 18%. It can also be used for decision support in fuel management.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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