Analysis of factors influencing tourist satisfaction for Cultural Tourism Management Case Study: Khiriwong Village Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Chang Arena Buriram Province and Wat Phra Si Sanphet Ayutthaya Province

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Paphakorn Pitayachaval
Weerachai Arjharn
Nattamon Pilaiwong
Jiranan Pimdee


This research presents the factors influencing the satisfaction of the tourists for the management of cultural attractions which will affect the psychology of people in the area. The data collection of this research is within the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The hypothesis of the research was to analyze the data affecting the psychology of the people in the tourism area. The factors that would affect the psychology were: 1. the feeling of congestion, 2. cultural environment and landscape characteristics, 3. area management, 4. the number of the tourists found in the community, 5. behavior of other tourists. Moreover, in this research, there was a comparative study of 3 types of cultural tourism site: group 1 is the rural cultural tourism (Rural Cultural Tourism), group 2 is the modern cultural tourism (Modern Cultural Tourism), and group 3, heritage tourism (Heritage Tourism). The result showed that the value of  resulted in the value of . It could be concluded that each group of cultural tourism management affected tourists’ satisfaction at a statistical significance level of 0.05. According to the data analysis in each factor, it was found that the values ​​of , , , , and  resulted in the value of . It could be concluded that each group of cultural tourism management affected tourists’ satisfaction in all 5 factors at a statistical significance level of 0.05. Each group of cultural tourism management was compared to see the difference in tourists’ satisfaction about the cultural tourism management using Scheffe’s statistical test as a post-test. According to the comparison between group 1, group 2, and group 3 in all 5 factors, it was found that the value of was negative and , indicating that tourists were satisfied with all 5 factors of cultural tourism management. It could be summarized that group 1 had less satisfaction than group 2 and 3 at a statistical significance level of 0.05. Hence, the management of cultural attractions in each form requires a planning and the strategies for managing in the different cultural attractions in order to meet the needs of tourists directly to the target group of tourists.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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