Properties of recycled polypropylene has undergone an additive process to produce plastic filament for 3D printers

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Phatthawit Siripaiboonsub
Supatthra Muparang
Jittiwat Nithikarnjanatharn
Patchara Kanjanakarn
Thiti Mhoraksa
Wannisa Nutkhum


This research was performed to compare the mechanical and physical properties of polylactic acid plastic strands with fluorescent agent additives with recycled polypropylene plastic strands mixed with polylactid acid, and fluorescent additives for 3D molding process. Three proportions of fluorescent agent additives were used: 0.3%, 0.5% and 1%. The results showed that the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, percentage of elongation, hardness, flow index, of recycled polypropylene strands mixed with polylactid acid and 0.3% fluorescence agent ratio were optimal, resulting in favorable plastic filaments for 3D printer molding.  The addition of large quantities of fluorescent agent resulted in polymer viscosity, which decreased the tensile strength and the flow index of the product. Modulus of elasticity, hardness and elongation percentage were found to have tear characteristics in the tensile test specimen, demonstrating the density characteristics of the molding layer, which corresponded to the elongation percentage. The luster results of all 4 types of plastic strands indicated an excitation wavelength in the 509 nm range, which increased with an increase in the amount of fluorescent agent as a result, the plastic line was shinier. However, the luminosity curves of 0.3%, 0.5% and 1% filling proportions showed that the luminescence proportions were brighter but not significantly different.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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