Application of lean techniques to operation improvement in tobacco leaf production process

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Methawin Samsri
Nalin Pianthong
Laong Palodom


The purpose of this research was to reduce process waste and to compare the performance before and after the improvement. By lean techniques, work study, 7 waste and ECRS techniques to analyze data of Ban Kaen Sai Tobacco Producer Enterprise Group, Rop Mueang Sub-district, Mueang District, Roi Et Province. From collecting data and analyzing the results of the work before improvement, it was found that there were 5 main work processes cultivation, harvesting, stringing of tobacco leaves, drying tobacco leaves and compression tobacco leaves. From the study of the work process data, 3 steps were selected: tobacco leaf stringing; drying and compression to improve work processes and reduce waste occurring in the process. From analyzing data and improving work processes. Work process before improvement  It was found that there were 23 working steps and after It was found that 16 work steps can reduce work steps by        7 steps and work time before improvement 441.6 hours, after improvement 321.12 hours, can reduce work time by 120.5 hours and the working distance before improvement was 1,220 meter and after improvement was 660 meters. The working distance could be reduce to 560 meters after improvement and development of new work processes, 100% of the tobacco production work process.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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