Development of wall block by soil cement and natural latex

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Prachoom Khamput


The resurgence in using soil as a wall construction material for eco-friendly buildings has gained significant momentum over the past few years. This revival is largely attributed to the growing trend of minimizing cement use in construction. This study aims to identify the optimal mixture of laterite for use in construction projects across Krabi Province, focusing on its combination with cement and natural latex. Establish the ratio of cement to laterite mixture as 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, and 1:10 by weight. The water to cement ratio was set at 1.9, and the natural latex to cement ratio was established at 0.05. The compressive strength was tested at 7 and 14 days, while density, water absorption, and moisture content were evaluated at the 14 days. The results from the tests indicated an increase in compressive strength with the progression of the curing period. As the proportion of laterite soil increases, there is a tendency for the compressive strength, water absorption, and moisture content to diminish. Conversely, the density tends to increase. The suitable mixture ratio of cement: laterite: natural latex: water is found to be 1:7:0.05:1.9, which is viable for practical applications.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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