Development of a steering control system for an autonomous tractor

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Teerawat Jatuan
Chattarin Ruangchoho
Mongkol Kathapant
Kamonchanon Vongstan
Payungsak Junyusen


The objective of this study was to develop a steering control system for an autonomous tractor. Appropriate feedback gains of PID controllers were tuned using Ziegler-Nichols method. Steering angle of the tractor was measured with a position transducer. A low pass filter was employed in order to reduce noise from the transducer. Performance tests of the control system were conducted on a polished concreate floor with leaving the engine idling. The performance results showed that the low pass filter could reduce the noise. When the performance among the PID controllers was compared, the P controller could steer the tractor smoothly. Therefore, the steering control system with P controller could be applied for practical use.

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How to Cite
Jatuan T, Ruangchoho C, Kathapant M, Vongstan K, Junyusen P. Development of a steering control system for an autonomous tractor. featkku [internet]. 2019 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];5(1):1-11. available from:
Research Articles


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