Energy analysis of Torrefaction for spent coffee grounds as a solid fuel
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Analysis of torrefaction characteristics and energy utilization of coffee grounds residue under the combination of temperature (200, 250, 275 and 300 °C) and duration (30, 45 and 60 minutes) is studied. An index of relative energy efficiency (REE) is introduced to identify the performance of energy utilization for upgrading biomass. Results showed increasing torrefaction temperature lead to low H/C, O/C, mass yield, energy yield which contrast with energy density. Moreover, the energy utilization under the combination of a high temperature (275 to 300 °C) and a short duration (30 minute) is more efficient than that of a low temperature (200 to 250 °C) and a long duration (60 minute). Torrefaction at 300 °C and 30 minute shows HHV of 28.2 MJ/kg, the optimum choice for REE.
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