Three optimization models for air inlet positioning to enhance air flow profile in forced ventilation poultry houses

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Kannika Khongsatit
Nantiwat Pholdee
Jarupol Suriyawanakul


This research aims to find the suitable location for installing side wall air inlet of the poultry house, which minimum Temperature Humidity and Velocity Index: THVI, by using three optimization techniques. The first is using Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm in MATLAB, sampling by Latin Hypercube Sampling design in pure quadratic model sample. Second technique is using GRG Nonlinear algorithm in Microsoft Excel Solver add-ins, sampling by Latin Hypercube Sampling design in Central Composite Design (CCD). The last one is using Nonlinear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian (NLPQL) which is Design exploration function in AnsysTM14.5 program, sampling by Latin Hypercube Sampling design in full quadratic model sample. After the side wall air inlet installation lengths have been calculated from each methodology above, simulation model then be made to simulate air flow of each approach by computational fluid dynamic (CFD). The best result then be chosen, by analyzing air speed consistency throughout the poultry house, to conduct real situation experiment to compare the efficiency with the original poultry house. The best simulation result has THVI of 28.38 ºC with 0.84 standard deviation. And the experiment result shows that; average air      velocity increase to 2.8 m/s from 2.2 m/s, air change rate increase to 53 ACH from 34 ACH (in case of maximum ventilation) and fan efficiency increase to 94.77% from 61.22% in poultry house without air inlet installation.

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Khongsatit K, Pholdee N, Suriyawanakul J. Three optimization models for air inlet positioning to enhance air flow profile in forced ventilation poultry houses. featkku [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 28 มิถุนายน 2019 [อ้างถึง 15 มีนาคม 2025];5(1):58-6. available at:


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