Process Improvement in Pin Shaft Quality Inspection

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Supapat Pingta
Suwaj Dansomboon


This research aims to reduce the time in the Pin Shaft quality inspection process in the final quality inspection process by designing fixtures for quality inspection. Data collecting, analyzing problems shown by cause and effect diagrams. There were 16 check points, and some use different measuring tools to make the inspection time very long. After designed 2 jigs and fixtures, a set used with micrometers and sets used for vernier caliper For speed and accuracy in each measurement point From the comparison of the time spent in the quality inspection, it was found that before the improvement, it took 211.63 seconds and after the improvement, it took 161.62 seconds, which can reduce the time by 50.01 seconds, equivalent to 23.63 percent.

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How to Cite
Pingta, S. ., & Dansomboon, S. (2020). Process Improvement in Pin Shaft Quality Inspection. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 6(1), 8–18. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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