Process Improvement in Wooden Pallet Factory

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Kritsada Puasakul
Siravit Swangnop
Kan Khunprom
Amonsiri Vilasdaechanont


A demand in transportation for both domestic and abroad is increase due to an increasing of demand of variety types of goods. Wooden pallets are used to increase efficiency and effectiveness of a transportation. In this research, the wooden pallet factory in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province is selected as a case study. The selected factory encounters a capacity problem that is the capacity does not match with the demand which are continuously increased. Currently, their capacity is equal to 212 units per day, including overtime, while the demand is equal to 360 units per day. Analytically, the causes of their problem comprise of 1. Unsuitable plant layout for continuous one-piece flow 2. Unbalance of Task allocation and 3. Lack of machine maintenance and modification to suitable for the operations. Subsequently, to study and analyze the problem in detail, the required takt time which corresponds with a customer demand is computed. Moreover, to satisfy the same purpose, standard time and production flow are also studied. The results of this paper comprise of an improvement of wood cutter machines, wood planer machines, task allocation, plant layout and increasing resources in some stations. A capacity after improvement increases from 212 units per day to 360 units per day or increased by 69.81%

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How to Cite
Puasakul, K. ., Swangnop, S. ., Khunprom, K. ., & Vilasdaechanont, A. . (2021). Process Improvement in Wooden Pallet Factory. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 7(2), 90–99. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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