Gamification’s effect in Social Media on CSR activities

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Rathawit Na Lamphun
Phannachet Na Lamphun
Pakpoom Patompak
Jukrapun Chitpong


Social Media Marketing is to create brand awareness to the target audience. Many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is using social media with the aimed to distribute information widely and reach more participant. However there is some concerned with budget, participation and other factor that involve which might lead to not enough participant to keep the project on. In order to respond, a gamification method is use to develop the content and process to increase participation. The result shows that the content that developed and using gamification in the process has increase the participant more than triple of regular content. This fact shows that gamification can be applied into social media content and process which increase participation of CSR project.

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How to Cite
Na Lamphun, R., Na Lamphun, P., Patompak, P., & Chitpong, J. (2019). Gamification’s effect in Social Media on CSR activities. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ISJET), 3(1), 25–30. retrieved from
Research Article


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